Thank you and The Great #RealTimeChem Cook Off Winners

Hello RealTimeChemists,


2016 has been “interesting” times, but throughout all the upheaval #RealTimeChem has kept on going. Big thank you to every single chemist out there who took part in this year’s #RealTimeChem week. As I’ve said previously, this community is only here because of you and its also pretty darn unique in both the science world of social media.

While the week event is over for yet another year, don’t forget that #RealTimeChem is a 24/7 project, so feel free to keep sharing chemistry whenever you want and engage with your fellow chemists around the world.

Some thank yous go out again to the following for their help this year:

  • Andy Brunning of @compoundchem. Once again, Andy designed all of the graphics for the event and ran another fantastic infographic competition. Plus he also took part too (more on that later).
  • Katey Birtcher, Stephen Fiedler, Neil MacLeod and all the folks at Elsevier’s SciTechConnect for running the Blog Carnival once again, this time on “New Elements in Chemistry”. Your enthusiasm for the project has really kept me going and I loved the round ups.
  • Great work from Nadine Borduas for inventing this years theme and also writing a blog post all about #RealTimeChem and the #NewElemChem event. Plus also enthusiastically taking part as always!
  • The fine folks at the Royal Society of Chemistry, especially Geri, James and Lizzie who got the blog post mentioned above together.
  • Finally, thanks to David Peralta, Managing editor of @ChemMedChem & the folks at WileyVCH who have again supported The Great #RealTimeChem Cook Off with more prizes .

Now, speaking of prizes, time to announce the winners of The Great #RealTimeChem Cook Off 2016:


As mentioned above this year’s contest was again sponsored by @WileyVCH‘s society chemistry journals.* The five winners below all receive a ChemPubSoc Europe package containing:

A copy of What’s Cooking in Chemistry: How Leading Chemists Succeed in the Kitchen
-An exclusive #chemquackers scientist rubber duck (which you can use for all your #RealTimeChem posts!)
-Other Wiley-VCH goodies!


The prizes for this year’s Cook off in all their glory.

*@ChemEurJ, @ChemistrySelect, @ChemistryOpen, @ChemBioChem, @ChemCatChem, @ChemMedChem@ChemElectroChem, @ChemPhysChem, @ChemPlusChem, @ChemSusChem,@ChemPhotoChem, @EurJIC, and Eur. J. Org. Chem (all journals of @ChemPubSoc_Euro); @ChemAsianJ, @AsianJOrgChem, and @ChemNanoMat (all journals of the Asian Chemical Editorial Society); and @angew_chem (a journal of @GDCh_aktuell).


This was not a straightforward decision. A lot of fantastic entries this year and so a decision had to be made based on a number of factors; invention, chemistry content, popularity (via retweets and favourites), general looks of the cook, humour, etc.

After much deliberation on my part and consultation with my partners at Wiley, here are the chosen winners:

This was rather rather popular. While a #tbt, it was not one I’d ever seen before (I’d remember this). It was certainly the most chemistry-focused cook off entry of the weekend. Plus people really seemed to love it. Philippa also shared some other excellent bakes too (See also:

Nadine made some rather tasty dumplings (see here for results:, but the process of making them we felt was the most fun with excellent use of PPE.

Andy shared this pumpkin pie (very topical for a week starting on Halloween!) twice and it was highly popular on both occasions. The shot is great, also very neat sugar dusting on the top.

Partha’s great looking dishes won out here not just for their scrumptious looks, but also we love a good bit of spice. Can just imagine the heat right now!

Molecular Dreams is the final winner for some orbital like bread. Bread is tricky (well for me anyway!) and I think these look fantastic.

Congratulations everybody! To claim your prize please send me the below details, either via DM on Twitter or to

-Affiliation (Uni/Company/Department) and position/role
-Email account
-Shipping Address (if at an institution, please indicate the Lab/Division/department and/or Room numbers)


Once again thank you a million times to everyone who took part in #RealTimeChem week 2016.

mischief managed

-Doctor Galactic-



#RealTimeChem Week 2016 Awards – Friday

Friday – 4th November

Welcome to the 4th #RealTimeChem Week awards!


Just like previous years, I will be offering awards for the best tweets during #RealTimeChem Week. The format has, again, changed a little due to circumstances and budget. This year, after noting that tweets are often quite slim on the weekend portion of #RealTimeChem week, I’ve decided to focus the awards on the 5 days of the working week, with The Great #RealTimeChem Cook off taking up the weekend slot.


There are still three different awards available: Ag, Au and Pt. 10 awards will be given each of the five days (6 Ag, 3 Au, 1 Pt). Those winning the coveted Platinum award (5 total) will each win a prize, which is, as usual, a #RealTimeChem mug with this year’s snazzy logo emblazoned on it.


So without further ado, onto the 2016 awards.



Friday! This is it folks, the last working day of the week and also the last day of the awards for this year. It’s been great fun as usual. Here’s the my favourite tweets of the day.



Alyssa’s student grow some crystals. Despite the frustration, I’m sure they had some fun!

These are some eager looking young chemists. They look happy to wait Chris!

Alex proves that nobody can resist the cuteness of tiny glassware. Awww look at it!

Rachel gets to have fun with some dust? I hope you found gold in there for your trouble!

Connie’s chemistry is sitting pretty in pink and bubbling away quite merrily 🙂

Some old school chemistry from Lab Daily while thinking about refreshment. Not sure I’d drink that Mountain Dew…



Danny shows that sometimes all it takes is a little spin and you’re on your way!

Laura revisits some old porphyrin friends in a series of popular tweets, but this video was my favourite. It’s soooo shiny!

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha….Terrible. But so good from the Neurotic Chemist.


Friday’s overall winner was:

Lab accidents are part and parcel of the risks of experimental chemistry, but it seems that even physical chemists can have them too! Darwin’s strangely beautiful mangle caused by some data in the wrong column was the most popular tweet of the whole day and pretty darn weird/cool lookin’.

Darwin, you win a much coveted #RealTimeChem week mug. I hope that data straightened out right in the end:


Last one!


Congratulations to all winners and thanks to everyone for taking part in #RealTimeChem week! The Great #RealTimeChem Cook Off took place this weekend and had plenty of tasty entries. The winners for that will be up later in the week.


-Doctor Galactic-



#RealTimeChem Week 2016 Awards – Thursday

Thursday – 3rd November

Welcome to the 4th #RealTimeChem Week awards!


Just like previous years, I will be offering awards for the best tweets during #RealTimeChem Week. The format has, again, changed a little due to circumstances and budget. This year, after noting that tweets are often quite slim on the weekend portion of #RealTimeChem week, I’ve decided to focus the awards on the 5 days of the working week, with The Great #RealTimeChem Cook off taking up the weekend slot.


There are still three different awards available: Ag, Au and Pt. 10 awards will be given each of the five days (6 Ag, 3 Au, 1 Pt). Those winning the coveted Platinum award (5 total) will each win a prize, which is, as usual, a #RealTimeChem mug with this year’s snazzy logo emblazoned on it.


So without further ado, onto the 2016 awards.



Thursday. Thor’s day. Thou shall go hit thine chemistry with a hammer…or something. Another busy #RealTimeChem day this one with some excellent tweets. Decisions, decisions decisions. Here’s the my favourite tweets of the day.



Lab Daily shows off the best thing about NMR tubes: customizing your caps! There’s nothing better than knowing your tubes are happy to see you right?

I don’t think there is a single chemist that doesn’t see a word and misread as a chemistry term instead as Izzy demonstrates. Far too easy indeed. However, you can never have too much chemistry!

In keeping with yesterdays bringing of folks to the yard/lab, Mark is using alluring ketyl radicals. They certainly are blue.

Chemistry isn’t all pretty colours. Sometimes you have to sit there and pump colourless liquids through a chromatography machine. All day. We’re with you Renée, we’re with you.

More pretty colours from Kalamazoo Chemistry, this time involving quantum dots.

@CompoundChem’s very own Andy Bruning gets in on the act with a fun looking demo that shows off diffusion.



Let’s be honest, this year fluorescence has been insanely popular and Thursday was no different. Christine made her first ever fluorescent product, just in time for #RealTimeChem Week. That’s organisation.

You know that thing I mentioned above. Well…case in point. I think Brian really laid down the gauntlet this year (see special mention below this post) and Andy totally picked it up, with interesting results!

Go home #chemquackers, you’re drunk. The folks at Chemistry: A European Journal sure are giving that rubber duck a good time. Wait, maybe they are really all rubber ducks *dramatic music*.



Thursday’s overall winner was:

Speaking of music, Emily Rose just squeaks the victory here. I think its the combination of a portrait that resonates with so many of us and lyrics from R.E.M. That awful moment when it all goes horribly wrong. A lot of these moments involve rotary evaporators…. damn them, damn them all to hell. Sing it with me now:


Emily, you win a much coveted #RealTimeChem week mug. I think you need it after that:


Come up with another word for “shiny” folks. Suffice to say, they are nice. 


Congratulations to all winners and thanks to everyone for taking part in #RealTimeChem week! The final awards for Friday will be announced later today, then it’s on to The #RealTimeChem Cook Off this weekend.


-Doctor Galactic-




P.S. Special Achievement mention.

Brian Wagner has already won a Platinum Award this week, but could probably have won everyday so far! (I have a self imposed rule of not giving out two to the same person). This “fireworks” demonstration, for instance,  which Andy also tried above is spectacular and also the single most loved Tweet of the week so far (and unlikely to be beaten I reckon!). Just wanted to give an extra thank you to Brian for adding so much fun chemistry to this week.





#RealTimeChem Week 2016 Awards – Wednesday

Wednesday – 2nd November

Welcome to the 4th #RealTimeChem Week awards!


Just like previous years, I will be offering awards for the best tweets during #RealTimeChem Week. The format has, again, changed a little due to circumstances and budget. This year, after noting that tweets are often quite slim on the weekend portion of #RealTimeChem week, I’ve decided to focus the awards on the 5 days of the working week, with The Great #RealTimeChem Cook off taking up the weekend slot.


There are still three different awards available: Ag, Au and Pt. 10 awards will be given each of the five days (6 Ag, 3 Au, 1 Pt). Those winning the coveted Platinum award (5 total) will each win a prize, which is, as usual, a #RealTimeChem mug with this year’s snazzy logo emblazoned on it.


So without further ado, onto the 2016 awards.



Wednesday. #RealTimeChem week is always busiest in the middle and this year has been no exception. Insert clever witticisms, etc etc…I’m getting behind on these Awards posts, so on with business! Favourite tweets of the day below!



Jess looks pretty happy with her milkshake. I don’t know what her plans might be with all those German exchange students that have turned up in her lab, but damn right, her chemistry is better than yours.

Harrison was sleepy by the end of Wednesday and rightly so, a hard day of #RealTimeChem-ing right here.



Nadine shares all the important facts about that most terrible of “chemicals” dihydrogen monoxide. Lock up your kids! This is real wrath of God stuff. Cats and Dogs living together. Mass hysteria. You know the chemophobia drill right?

Dreamygirl brings lots of love to her colourful chemistry!

Kristina gets down to business with some sample prep.

Another day, another tweet about coffee. This is chemistry. This time Berivan gets curious about her “natural” coffee. Nice analysis work!


Andryj might be waiting for some good results, but he sure as heck can draw in the meantime!

There’s nothing more pleasing than getting pure product like Christine here and looking like tinsel is a massive bonus!

Brian could probably win *all* the prizes this week. Fluorescence is so darn pretty and such fun experiments when taking your kid to work!





Wednesday’s overall winner was:

This simple, but great looking video demo of Soxhlet apparatus from Shira was one of the most popular tweets of the day. It’s great seeing chemistry in action and this is about as loved as beet extract has ever been.

Shira, you win a much coveted #RealTimeChem week mug:


Super shiny.


Congratulations to all winners and thanks to everyone for taking part in #RealTimeChem week! Thursday and Friday’s award winners will be announced tomorrow.


-Doctor Galactic-






#RealTimeChem Week 2016 Awards – Tuesday

Tuesday – 1st November

Welcome to the 4th #RealTimeChem Week awards!


Just like previous years, I will be offering awards for the best tweets during #RealTimeChem Week. The format has, again, changed a little due to circumstances and budget. This year, after noting that tweets are often quite slim on the weekend portion of #RealTimeChem week, I’ve decided to focus the awards on the 5 days of the working week, with The Great #RealTimeChem Cook off taking up the weekend slot.


There are still three different awards available: Ag, Au and Pt. 10 awards will be given each of the five days (6 Ag, 3 Au, 1 Pt). Those winning the coveted Platinum award (5 total) will each win a prize, which is, as usual, a #RealTimeChem mug with this year’s snazzy logo emblazoned on it.


So without further ado, onto the 2016 awards.



Tuesday. Pinch-punch first of the month. Day 2 of #RealTimeChem week moves into November with a much less spooky day of chemistry (unless you are afraid of rubber ducks – in which case, you have been warned). Favourite tweets of the day below!



Crystals are always a winner and Praveen seems to have cut his off a passing yeti. Or he found them at Donald Trump’s barber. See, I do topical analysis.

David’s stylish shot of “purple” looks great. He also made “green” later. Sequels are never as good as the original. Unless it’s the Empire Strikes Back. Obviously.

Chistine shares the best thing about yellow compounds: easy columns. It’s the little things that matter in chemistry sometimes and this visually pleasing column makes us organic chemists all feel so content with the happy-happy.

Loving the enthusiasm shown in this tweet from Anne, new chemists starting out on their #RealTimeChem journey. *sniff* I’ve got something in my eye.

The folks at “Chemistry: A European Journal” sure do love a good pun. Who can blame them when #chemquackers is about. This isn’t the last time our favourite rubber duck (sorry @chemjobber) will appear today.

I bet Aaron didn’t think his hangover would lead to #RealTimeChem fame did he? Well thanks to Suze, Aaron, your stylish hangover will be immortalised forevermore!  Of course you only get a silver for being late though…





The Nortcliffe Group shared a lot of great tweets on Tuesday. This one has to take the award though for encapsulating part of chemistry that we all know so well: the pain. Oh god, the pain. Let’s all give Edward a hug.

Nano dropping with a duck, that’s totally normal right? Fraser had a lot of fun with #chemquackers all day. Many, many tweets, but this is my favourite one.

Nadine shows us a little insight into the mind of most chemists I’ve ever known. First comes Chemistry. Second? Coffee. Sometimes these switch over. 2nd most popular tweet of the day for an inventive use of an old hot plate.





Tuesday’s overall, most popular tweet, and winner was:

Susan! If the previous tweet by Nadine said something about chemist’s priorities (at least in choice of beverage), I think this tells us something about chemist’s personalities. The most popular tweet of the day was a pun combining two coinciding themed weeks. Good old “Polar” bears. Of course, only chemists could find this hilarious. I love you chemists.

Susan, you win a much coveted #RealTimeChem week mug:


Super shiny.


Congratulations to all winners and thanks to everyone for taking part in #RealTimeChem week so far! Wednesday’s award winners will be announced tomorrow.


-Doctor Galactic-






#RealTimeChem Week 2016 Awards – Monday

Monday – 31st October

Welcome to the 4th #RealTimeChem Week awards!


Just like previous years, I will be offering awards for the best tweets during #RealTimeChem Week. The format has, again, changed a little due to circumstances and budget. This year, after noting that tweets are often quite slim on the weekend portion of #RealTimeChem week, I’ve decided to focus the awards on the 5 days of the working week, with The Great #RealTimeChem Cook off taking up the weekend slot.


There are still three different awards available: Ag, Au and Pt. 10 awards will be given each of the five days (6 Ag, 3 Au, 1 Pt). Those winning the coveted Platinum award (5 total) will each win a prize, which is, as usual, a #RealTimeChem mug with this year’s snazzy logo emblazoned on it.


So without further ado, onto the 2016 awards.



Monday. A fairly slow #RealTimeChem day to start the week, but also one filled with cool spooky stuff courtesy of Halloween! Favourite tweets of the day below…



Partha gets Monday off to an annoying start, dropping stuff. Like a boss.




Jeff’s all in a spin with some polymer chemistry!




Chemistry goes Halloween well by virtue of many things being orange as shown off by Michael here.

Emma shows the best way to have a spooky time in the lab just throw something cyrogenic in your water bath. Instant hubble bubble toil and trouble *cackle*


Andres had a few spooky tweets, my favourite being this one with Dr Bones having some fun #RealTimeChem-ing away.

Oleh shows off the spoooooky #RealTimeChem powers of UV light.


Marcela gives a sneak peak of Tuesday’s upcoming #RealTimeChem fun.



Nadine gets super excited for #RealTimeChem week with chemistry themed skis. The life of an atmospheric chemist is far from dull!

Jon here goes that little bit further in the orange by turning his flask into a pumpkin with simple use of a bit of pen. Makeshift Halloween FTW.


Tom sure loves his chemistry with a burning passion as illustrated by this mesmerizing tweet!


Monday’s overall winner was:

Brian! With the most popular tweet of the day by some measure. Fantastic shot of a spooky glowing skull that would be perfect for any chemistry Halloween celebration. You win a much coveted #RealTimeChem week mug:



Congratulations to all winners and thanks to everyone for taking part in #RealTimeChem week so far! Tuesdays award winners will be announced tomorrow.


-Doctor Galactic-